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Will I get lost?

Probably – nearly everyone does to begin with – even teachers. It won’t be horrible though because you won’t be on your own. There will be lots of you looking for the same place. You might also get help from the older children in your form. You can ask any teacher or any prefect (they have badges) you see to help you find your way. You will also be given a map to help you.

Will teachers get angry if I am late to lessons?

Absolutely not – they know that it will take you a long time to get to know the school. They don’t want you to rush or get stressed – if it takes you a while longer to begin with then that is absolutely fine.

What do I need to bring to school?

Now you are in secondary school you are expected to take responsibility for your own equipment. You will need a pencil case packed with pen, pencil, ruler, sharpener, rubber and colours and calculator. You will need to bring any books that you have been given for lessons and you will need your sports kit on PE days. It is better to pack your bag the evening before school so you don’t forget anything. You won’t need your PE kit on the first day.

Where can I leave my bag and coat?

Unfortunately, we haven’t got enough space in the school for lockers. You will have to carry your bag with you to lessons. You can leave your coat and PE kit in your form room. You can also leave your bag in there at break.

Where do I go on the first day?

When you get off your bus or arrive at the front of school, there will be lots of teachers to show you where to go. We will almost certainly meet in the Main Hall (I will let you know nearer the time). From there, we will have older children to take you to your form base. You will get your timetable there. Your form tutor will explain what happens for the rest of the day.

Who do I go to if I am upset or worried?

We are a friendly school – most people will be happy to help you. Ask any adult and they will take you to your tutor or to House Base if they can’t help you themselves. It will all seem strange at first but you should begin to find things easier in a few days.

How will I know which bus to get on?

There will be lots of teachers around to help. In most cases the buses will have their number on display. This will be the number you have on your letter from County – it is useful for you to write this number down safely so you remember it. Don’t worry if you haven’t got your bus pass yet – they will still let you on the bus. If you are worried then ask a teacher.

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