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Two written examinations:

Beliefs, teachings and practices of two religions (50% of total exam) – 1 hour 45 minutes

Four religious, philosophical and ethical themes (50% of total exam) – 1 hour 45 minutes


Component 1: The study of two religions: beliefs, teachings and practices from: Buddhism • Christianity • Hinduism • Islam • Judaism • Sikhism.

Component 2: Four Religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes 

Theme 1: Religion and life.

Theme 2: Religion, peace and conflict.

Theme 3: Religion, crime and punishment.

Theme 4: Religion, human rights and social justice.


Any student who likes to engage in discussion and debate about life in a modern pluralistic society, will enjoy this course. You do not need to have any faith background, you will be developing knowledge and understanding of religions as well as non-religious beliefs. The best learners will be open-minded students who genuinely want to understand the influence of religion on individuals, communities and societies.


Day visit to places of worship associated with the religions chosen. Students in the past have organised visits to a Sikh Gurwara in Leicester, a Buddhist Monastery in Devon and a Mosque in Bristol to meet members of those religious communities.


A GCSE in RE will help you to develop the skills to construct well-informed and balanced arguments. Furthermore, studying Religious Studies develops a range of transferable skills (e.g. literacy and expression, negotiating, organising, problem solving, research) that are not limited to your academic study and can be applied to other contexts. The subject is considered a good base for any academic A levels that require critical thinking skills.

A qualification in this subject can be useful if you are thinking of pursuing a career in advertising, diplomacy, human resources, journalism, law, media, medicine, publishing, social and welfare or teaching.


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