As you are aware we are having to keep students in year groups at the moment and have created new temporary form groups. Please see the document below. Emails have been sent to all Parent(s)/Carer(s) notifying them which form group their child has been allocated to.
The entry points for pupils will be via the main playground gate for all year groups other than Year 7 who will access the school through the old reception area (opposite the upper school hall), and Sixth Form (who will enter through reception). Staff will be on duty at the front of the school each morning to supervise and ensure pupils know where to go. All pupils will gather in Year group zones as follows:
Year 7 – Upper School Hall / Outside Quad
Year 8 – Main playground (zoned area)
Year 9 – Lower courts and West of lower field
Year 10 – Science playground and East of lower field
Year 11 – Main playground (zoned area)
Sixth Form – Sixth form study area and library