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Department: Computing

Curriculum Intention:   

At Huish Episcopi Academy, our aim is to prepare students for industry and the wider world by providing them with a first-class education in Computing.  We want to our students to be creators of technology – not just consumers.  We want them to have the skills and knowledge to be able to adapt and embrace new technology as it emerges.  Computer Science sits at the core of Computing, and teaches the principles of information and computation and how digital systems work.  This knowledge is put to use through programming and using information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.  Computing ensures that pupils become digitally literate and are able to express themselves and develop their ideas through using information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Curriculum Implementation:

  • KS3:  Wherever possible, we take a “hands on” approach to lessons.  For units involving coding, such as Scratch in Year 7, Python and web design, students use an online platform called REPL to complete a series of practical tasks.  This enables them to easily track their own progress and to keep their work organised.  Theory lessons typically involve completing research tasks and answering questions.   All lessons use Google Classroom as the main platform for delivery.
  • KS4:
  • KS5:      

Monitoring and assessing curriculum impact:

  • KS3: Units are assessed by a combination of project work, and end of unit tests.  Students are given opportunities to resit the tests where appropriate.
  • KS4:
    • GCSE Cmputer Science:  The GCSE curse is comprised of 11 units.  At the end f each unit, students are assessed by completing an assessment task made up entirely from past examination questions on that topic.  The results frm the end of unit tests are used to generate a predicted grade for the course.  Students are given pportunities to re-sit the tests and make improvements to their work in order to improve their predicted grades. The final assessment for the course is from two 1.5-hour examinations sat at the end of Year 11.
    • Cambridge Natinals in Creative iMedia: Fr theory units, students are taught each unit and given end-of-unit tests created from past exam questions on that topic.  Fr controlled-assessments, students are monitored on an ongoing basis for completion of the tasks.  We share the assessment criteria and discuss what makes a god piece of work in order to inspire students to complete the work to the best of their abilities.
  • KS5:
    • A Level Cmputer Science:  This curse is assessed in a similar way to the GCSE course – through ongoing assessment of the theory topics and end-of-unit tests.  We use the results frm the tests to inform students of their progress in the course, generate a current predicted grade and to help direct them to areas on which to focus their revision.  The nn-examined assessment is assessed on an ongoing basis through verbal and written feedback where appropriate.
  • BTEC Level 3 in IT:  For theory units, students are given end-of-unit tests similar to the A Level and GCSE courses.  For the practical assessment in databases, students are taught the technical skills required and then complete a series of past examination tasks and given a mark for their responses.  Controlled assessment units are assessed in line with the BTEC assessment guidance. 




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