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The Cambridge Nationals Level 2 in Creative iMedia is assessed as follows:

  • Unit R081 - Pre-production skills: A 1 hour 15-minute paper-based examination, set and marked by OCR
  • 3 centre-assessed tasks:
    • Unit R082 – Creating digital graphics
    • Unit R084 – Storytelling with a comic strip
    • Unit R087 – Creating interactive multimedia products


In unit R081 – pre-production skills, students are introduced to a range of essential pre-production techniques used in the creative and digital media, including client brief, time frames, deadlines and preparation techniques.

In unit R082 - creating digital graphics, students build on the skills and understanding that they have developed in the previous unit, exploring where and why digital graphics are used and the techniques that are involved in their creation. They apply their skills and knowledge in creating digital graphics against a specific brief.

Unit R084 - storytelling with a comic strip provides students with the opportunity to explore different genres of comic strip and discover how they are created. They plan and create a comic strip to specific requirements, and review the final comic against a specific brief.

Unit R087 - creating interactive multimedia products enables students to develop their knowledge and understanding of where and why different interactive multimedia products are used and what features are needed for a given purpose. They learn how to interpret a client brief, and how to use time frames, deadlines and preparation techniques as part of the planning and creation process.


Key requirements for successful learners are:

  • The ability to follow written instructions methodically
  • The ability to meet deadlines that are set
  • An independent approach to learning, where you are not afraid to research answers for yourself if they are not immediately obvious
  • A good approach to literacy: Many parts of the controlled assessment require extended written responses
  • Above all else, interest and enthusiasm for learning IT!


The Creative iMedia course provides the skills, knowledge and understanding for Level 2 learners to progress to: other Level 2 vocational qualifications; Level 3 qualifications, such as the Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals in IT or an IT/Creative Media apprenticeship.

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