Department: Health and Social Care
Curriculum Intention:
For the students at HEA to have the opportunity to develop specific knowledge and skill covering three areas:
- skills and processes, such as interpreting data to assess an individual’s health, and
- designing a plan to improve their health and wellbeing
- attitudes, namely the care values that are vitally important in the sector, and the opportunity to practise applying them
- knowledge that underpins the effective use of skills, processes and attitudes, including
- human growth and development, health and social care services, and factors affecting people’s health and wellbeing.
To provide quality first teaching that enables students to build on knowledge and skills learnt in other subjects such as English and Biology.
At KS4 to provide students with opportunities to extend their HSC experiences beyond the BTEC Level 2 Tech Award curriculum in order to study the subject at a higher level or access sector specific careers such as Level 3 BTEC Health and Social Care, Level 3 BTEC Early years, A Level Sociology, A Level Psychology, Level 3 Health and Social Care Apprenticeships
In the sixth form these intentions continue with ensuring students that choose to study the BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate (equivalent to one A-level) in order to apply their knowledge and skill in a wide variety of health and social care contexts such as Nursing (adult, mental health, paediatric), Midwifery, Paramedic, Dietician, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Family Support Worker and Support Worker
Curriculum Implementation:
At KS4 all students have 5 hours a fortnight and follow a scheme of work appropriate to all levels of attainment.
- In Year 10 students will study the first learning aim of Component One: Human Lifespan Development. There are four distinct aspects to human growth and development; physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. These four aspects are closely related to each other, and a change in one can affect some, or all, of the other areas. This assessed internally through a piece of coursework. Students will also study Component 3: Health and Wellbeing. This unit explores some of the reasons why health-promotion activities are carried out, and the benefits of health-promotion work both for individuals and for the health and wellbeing of the nation as a whole. This is assessed by an external exam in the summer term.
- In Year 11 students will study the second learning aim of Component One: Human Lifespan Development. This unit provides you with the opportunity to explore how we grow and develop throughout our lives and to investigate the factors that affect this growth and development. This is assessed internally through a piece of coursework. Students will also study Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values. This unit will enable you to understand the high standards expected in health and social services. This is assessed internally through two pieces of coursework.
At KS5 all students have 8 hours a fortnight and follow a scheme of work appropriate to all levels of attainment.
- In Year 12 students will study Human Lifespan Development with an external assessment in January. Then a unit: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. This has an internal coursework assessment
- In Year 13 students will study Working in Health and Social Care with an external assessment in January. Then a unit: Physiological disorders and their care. This has an internal coursework assessment.
- In addition, there is an opportunity to study one further unit of interest for distinction students; either Psychological perspectives, Supporting Individuals with additional needs or Sociological Perspectives. All of which have an internal coursework assessment.
Monitoring and assessing curriculum impact:
- KS4 The Department’s results at all levels is a clear indication of the success of this Department.
- KS5 Health and Social Care continues to be growing option in KS5 especially in light of the recent pandemic.