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At Huish we offer our students a free choice of options and then build our timetable around the students’ choices. However, it might be that we cannot offer every possible combination of students’ desired choices. Where this is the case we will discuss alternative choices with each individual and their parents/carers.

Our curriculum is built through three key sections:

  1. Our CORE Curriculum qualifications are non-negotiable and completed by all our students. They are GCSE English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, PSHE and CORE PE.

  2. EBACC qualifications. All students need to study either a Humanities subject or Foreign Language during Years 10 and 11. They are GCSE Geography, History, French, German or Spanish. Students select one subject form this section. All students need to study at least one of these subjects to ensure that they complete the Government’s Attainment 8 performance indicator.

  3. Other GCSE and Vocational qualifications. All students need to study two subjects from this section.

Please find links to all the subjects that you can chose for Key Stage 4  in this section.

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